Have you seen your dear ones suffering from deep, disturbing thoughts after facing a trauma? 

Then, it is an alarming sign that the person is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is a complex and debilitating condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Characterized by intrusive memories, hyperarousal, and avoidance behaviors, PTSD can significantly impair daily functioning and quality of life. 

However, amidst the darkness of trauma, there is a ray of hope: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Hence, in this guide, we will explore how PTSD treatment eye movement facilitates healing, offering a path toward recovery and resilience.

The Origins of EMDR

EMDR therapy was developed in the late 1980s by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro. While taking a walk in nature, Shapiro observed that certain eye movements seemed to reduce the intensity of her negative thoughts and emotions. This discovery led her to develop EMDR as a structured therapeutic approach to trauma treatment. Since its inception, EMDR has gained widespread recognition and acceptance as an evidence-based treatment for PTSD and other trauma-related conditions.

How Does EMDR work? 

At the core of EMDR therapy is the concept of bilateral stimulation, which involves stimulating both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. This stimulation can be achieved through various methods, including-

  • eye movements
  • auditory tones
  • tactile sensations

During an EMDR session, therapists guide their clients to recall distressing memories while engaging in bilateral stimulation. As a result, this process facilitates the reprocessing of traumatic memories. Further, it facilitates to be integrated more adaptively into the brain’s neural networks.

The Eight Phases of EMDR Therapy

The PTSD treatment through eye movement therapy consists of eight distinct phases, each designed to address different aspects of the trauma-healing process:

Phase 1: History-Taking: The therapist gathers information about the client’s trauma history and identifies specific targets for treatment.

Phase 2: Preparation: The therapist educates the client about EMDR therapy and teaches relaxation techniques to ensure they feel safe and grounded during the process.

Phase 3: Assessment: The client identifies the negative beliefs, emotions, and physical sensations associated with the traumatic memory.

Phase 4: Desensitization: The client focuses on the traumatic memory while engaging in bilateral stimulation, allowing the memory’s emotional intensity to decrease.

Phase 5: Installation: Positive beliefs are introduced and strengthened to replace the negative beliefs associated with the traumatic memory.

Phase 6: Body Scan: The client checks for any remaining physical tension or discomfort related to the memory and releases it through bilateral stimulation.

Phase 7: Closure: The session is brought to a close, and the client is guided through relaxation techniques to ensure they feel stable and grounded.

Phase 8: Reevaluation: The therapist assesses the client’s progress and identifies any remaining targets for future sessions.

Benefits of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy offers numerous benefits for individuals struggling with PTSD.

  • Rapid symptom reduction: 

Many clients experience significant relief from PTSD symptoms after just a few sessions of PTSD treatment through eye movement therapy. This swift alleviation of distress can lead to a marked improvement in overall well-being. Thus, individuals regain a sense of normalcy in their lives and resume daily activities with greater ease. Also, the rapidity of symptom reduction instills hope and motivation. In this way,  the patients get motivated to continue their therapeutic journey with optimism and determination.

  • Long-lasting results: 

EMDR therapy targets the root cause of PTSD by reprocessing traumatic memories, leading to lasting improvements in symptoms. Unlike temporary symptom management approaches, EMDR addresses the underlying neural pathways associated with trauma. Hence, it results in enduring changes in cognitive and emotional functioning. In this way, by resolving past traumas at their core, individuals are better equipped to navigate future challenges and maintain their newfound sense of emotional equilibrium over time.

  • Minimal side effects: 

Compared to traditional talk therapies, EMDR therapy typically has fewer side effects and is well-tolerated by clients. The non-invasive nature of EMDR, coupled with its focus on activating the brain’s natural healing mechanisms, minimizes the risk of adverse reactions or re-traumatization. This makes EMDR an attractive option for individuals who may be hesitant to engage in therapy due to concerns about potential negative effects, allowing them to pursue treatment with confidence and peace of mind.

  • Empowerment: 

PTSD treatment through eye movement therapy empowers clients to take an active role in their healing process, fostering a sense of control and agency. Through the structured process of EMDR, clients learn to trust in their innate capacity for resilience and self-regulation, recognizing that they have the power to influence their emotional well-being. This newfound sense of empowerment extends beyond the therapy session, empowering individuals to make positive changes in other areas of their lives and build a brighter future free from the shackles of trauma.

Why should you choose EMDR therapy from Counselling2Wellness?

Choosing EMDR therapy from Counselling2Wellness offers several compelling advantages for individuals seeking relief from psychological stress following traumatic experiences. 

  • Firstly, EMDR is an evidence-based approach that has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of PTSD and other trauma-related disorders. By engaging in EMDR sessions with our experienced therapists, clients can trust that they are receiving a treatment backed by research and proven outcomes.
  • Moreover, EMDR therapy at Counselling2Wellness is conducted in an interactive and supportive environment. Our therapists are trained to guide clients through the reprocessing of traumatic memories while providing compassionate support and guidance every step of the way. Clients can feel confident knowing that they are not alone in their healing journey and that they have a dedicated professional to help them navigate the challenges of addressing trauma.
  • Additionally, the integration of eye movements and desensitization techniques in PTSD treatment through eye movement sessions offers a unique approach to trauma processing. This innovative method allows for adaptive reprocessing of traumatic memories, helping clients make sense of their experiences and move towards healing and resolution. 
  • With EMDR therapy at Counselling2Wellness, clients can access a holistic and personalized treatment approach that addresses their unique needs and fosters long-term recovery and well-being.


EMDR therapy offers a transformative approach to healing trauma and overcoming PTSD. By harnessing the power of eye movement and bilateral stimulation, EMDR facilitates the reprocessing of traumatic memories, leading to symptom reduction and emotional healing. If you or someone you know is struggling with PTSD, consider exploring EMDR therapy as a pathway towards healing and resilience.

 Remember, healing is possible, and you deserve to reclaim your life from the grip of trauma. For PTSD treatment through eye movement, under the guidance of professional therapists, choose Counselling2wellness. 

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